Friday, June 3, 2011

My Morning Jacket-Circuital

Very high on my anticipation list, My Morning Jackets sixth studio CIRCUITAL was released this week with much hype and fanfare. I've heard a handful of these tunes both in concert and thru early leaks by the band so I was somewhat familiar with some of the parts but not the sum of the album. Early reports are that this album would see a return to an earlier MMJ sound after a departure on their last album EVIL URGES although after a few early spins, I feel CIRCUITAL continues to stray--->sometimes good and sometimes not so good.

VICTORY DANCE -- One of the better album openers in recent memory. It is mezmerizing and hopefully it will be an opener on their upcoming tough. Great tune.
CIRCUITAL -- When I listen to this I think of early The Who. It is over seven minutes long and rolls over peaks and valley's. Instant classic.
WONDERFUL (THE WAY I FEEL) -- Mellow. Sweet. Loving. Beautiful. Could be their new 'Golden'
HOLDIN' ON TO BLACK METAL -- When I first heard this song I thought to myself "on no! what the hell are they doing" After 3 listens I was in love with it. The female chorus and blaring horns backed by some fuzzy guitars. Definitely a try it your like it song.

Good-Potential With More Listens:
THE DAY IS COMING -- Can't put my finger on this but this reminds me of something. Possibly from the 80's. Maybe a George Michael mellow vibe?
OUTTA MY SYSTEM -- Another tune with a vibe of The Who but it never seems to really take off. The way it starts out and its name, I really thought this would end with the band losing their shit but it never happens. Bummer
FIRST LIGHT -- Similar feeling as OUTTA MY SYSTEM. Never seems to really take off although with their horns etc., I bet this will be one of those songs that is awesome live.
YOU WANNA FREAK OUT -- Jim sounds like Paul McCartney on this tune. This song is almost like a lie. Yes, I wanna freak out but you are not giving me the chance!

Not So Good:
SLOW SLOW TUNE & MOVIN' AWAY -- Not sure what they were thinking here. They almost don't even sounds like Jim is the singer. I'll just leave it at that.

The album starts of with some pretty killer tunes but ends with a thud. I know a few of the middle songs will sound awesome live but songs like 'Slow Slow Tune' and 'Movin Away' are just bad. I'm curious to know what the band was thinking ending this album with these two songs. They are at their peak in popularity and have pure gems on this album while challenging their fans (new and old), in a good way, to appreciate songs like 'Black Metal', 'Freak Out', 'Outta My System', 'Day is Coming' and 'First Light'. You only have 10 songs on the album, why make these two of the ten? For a while they have been playing a fantastic song called 'Friends Again'. I would have been extremely happy to have a nine song album with this included and the last two dropped.

I think having a song on CIRCUITAL titled 'you wanna freak out' is appropriate. This album is filled with songs that leaves you on the brink. Yes, I wanna freak the fuck out! I want Patrick Hallahan, your drummer, to freak out as well. He is one of the best drummers out there and I bet he only used one drum stick while recording this album. Release the hounds. Where is this albums 'Anytime' or 'One Big Holiday'? I appreciate the continual evolution of the sound of this band and never putting out the same album, but I feel a little let down. A lot of people felt that way with their last album EVIL URGES, which I thought was fantastic from top to bottom. On CIRCUITAL they have some of the best songs in MMJ's catalog and also some of the worst. Over the years we have been spoiled MMJ fans as they have always give us more than we expected. Here is looking to seeing them on tour. They never let you down there.

***Update***-I went to Mountain Jam music festival this past weekend to catch the last day which included Dawes, Edward Sharpe & Magnetic Zeros, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Grace Potter and My Morning Jacket. I'll write my review at a later date. MMJ closed out the night with a stirring 2 1/2 hour set that included 8 of the 10 songs from this album. As expected, they all kicked ass, even Slow Slow Tune which I was pretty harsh on in the review above. Seeing these songs performed live has me listening to this album with a completely different ear. This is the mark of a great band and why I list them as one of my favorites of all time.

CIRCUITAL (from VH1 Storytellers):



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